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der was this boy and this gurl who were friends since 9years old..they always look after each other and together they spend their sad and happy moments.. til time came to seperate them..since they live in two different was realy hard for the gurl to move on..everything she does,it would always remind her of him..but then,she met dis guy..the guy make friends w/ her even though she doesn't want to.. everywhere she goes,he goes..when she's feeling lonely,he wuld try to ncheer her time goes by,the gurl had this feeling of letting go of the past..she feels that she already had the courage to face the reality that her best bud was not there anymore..the guy told her that he loved her eversince he make friends w/ her..starting that day,they spend moments seems that the gurl have fallen inlove w/ the guy so she told him she love him but faith has cruel way of putting things together. . while the was waiting for the guy to call her,she saw someone standing outside..she coudn't believe what she saw..her heart beats fast..time stops as she looked at was her bud..he came he approched her..the same old feeling came back..they spend that day together..sharing their stories..sweet smiles were painted ti their the day end,her bud told her tht HE CANT LIVE W/O HER AND HIS DAYS IS NOT COMPLETE W/O HER..she doesnt know what to say..after that smile never left her face.the guy wondered why her gurl act differntly..he never saw her laugh like that.. .time past and it seems that the gurl spend much more time w/his bud..she even refuse to answr his guys call..the guy grew weary..and knew something is not ryt..but still he had no idea wt is wrong..she asked the gurl but the gurl was so confused..she told him to give her space and the guy did w/o knowng why.. after that,they never speak to each first,the gurl wuld realy dont mind..she knew she made the ryt decsion..spendng the time w/ her bud,then,felt different,it seems somethings wrong w/her.. .she just dont know what it nyt,it seems that shes waiting for his call and she doesn't know why..everytime she saw him at the campus..her heart seems to bleed..but then when she saw her buds smile.. bleeds disappears.. .time pases and she have falling inlove w/her she decided tell him wat she feels..but before she could tell him,she found out something..her bud have fallen inlove w/ another gurl..she coudn' t believe at first..ti;l her bestbud told her realy hurt her bad.. .everynyt she cries.. . she cant barely speak.she decded to stay away from her bud though it hurts so much.ever since that it happened,she had no form of communication w/her she tries to forget him,someone cameback to her was her guy..he told her that he still love her and would help her forget her past. . .


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