what are backlinks and how do they work
What is a permalink what are backlinks and how do they work? A permalink, also known as a “permanent link” is a URL (of a specific blog post or page on your site) that should remain unchanged once the page is published. Permalinks should always be SEO-friendly URLs that are both easy for people to remember and for search engines to make sense of. Here’s an example of what a permalink (individual blog post URL) looks like in the address bar of your web browser when you’re navigating to a particular post or page on a site: https://www.buysellrank.com/blog/63-stomp-rocket-ultra-rocket-toys-pack https://www.buysellrank.com/blog/64-iron-man-electronic-helmet-for-bike https://www.buysellrank.com/blog/62-fisher-price-trio-vehicle-toys https://www.buysellrank.com/blog/61-lego-board-games-for-kids https://www.buysellrank.com/blog/60-buzz-lightyear-interactive-talking-foys-action-figure-manual https://www.buysellrank.com/blog/59-best-toddler-toys-gift-christmas https://www.buysellrank.com/...